Our trip to Portugal was absolutely perfect! From the moment we decided to get in touch with Offbeat Portugal until our return home, everything was spot-on. Thank you for planning such an incredible trip!
Peter J., Austin, TX, USA
Our honeymoon was everything we always dreamt of! Every aspect of this trip was carefully planned and we were constantly surprised throughout the way by Offbeat and its unique and special ideas. Can’t wait to recommend you to our friends and family!
Lindsay and Robert P., Atlanta, GA, USA
Contámos com o serviço da Offbeat durante a nossa última visita de 15 dias a Portugal. O serviço foi excelente! Queríamos conhecer as nossas origens portuguesas e com a ajuda deles conseguimos. Obrigado!
Fernanda S., São Paulo, Brasil
Attention to detail is what defines Offbeat Portugal. From the quality of the hotels, to restaurants, tours, special activities and, most important, all the professionals involved, this was by far one of the best trips of my life. Thank you so much!
John H., Palm Beach, FL, USA
Muito obrigado por uma estadia fantástica em Portugal! Adorámos descobrir o vosso lindo país e sem a sua ajuda, não teríamos ido a todos os lugares incríveis que visitámos. Obrigado pela excelente sugestão de hotéis, por toda a simpatia e disponibilidade de todos os guias que nos mostraram Portugal e, claro, a vocês por toda a organização e suporte.
Roberta F., São Paulo, Brasil
No matter how much you research, nothing compares to having the help of real experts when planning your next trip. We wanted something out of the ordinary and unique and Offbeat was able to offer it in truly authentic ways. Thank you!
Stephen T., New York City, NY, USA
Thanks for arranging the most beautiful trip to the Azores! We loved all our guides, which were so helpful and knowledgeable. We look forward to get in touch with you for our next adventures to Portugal!
Rakel E., Stockholm, Sweden
A Offbeat Portugal organizou a nossa lua-de-mel e não podíamos estar mais felizes com a escolha! Foi sem dúvida a viagem mais especial da nossa vida, recheada de momentos mágicos do início ao fim! Muito obrigado por pensarem em tudo!
Andréa L., São Paulo, Brasil
Portugal é um país lindo e com muitos lugares para visitar, mas é necessária ajuda de profissionais que nos indiquem os lugares imperdíveis. Foi exatamente isso que vocês fizeram e temos que vos agradecer por isso. Muito obrigado por nos mostrarem o melhor que Portugal tem para oferecer!
Sheila T., Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Despite the rainy weather, our time in Portugal was AMAZING thanks to all the help Offbeat has given us. Thank you for reading our thoughts when we couldn’t express exactly what we wanted. What you did for us was simply magical!
Alexander H., Frankfurt, Germany
We’ve just returned home after a 1-week Gastronomic Tour of Portugal organized by Offbeat Portugal. All we can say is THANK YOU! This has been by far the most delicious week of our life, with lots of special moments, like blending our own wine at a private wine estate outside Lisbon!
Thomas C., San Francisco, USA
A História de Portugal é algo fascinante e os momentos que passámos com os guias foram de muita aprendizagem. O facto de termos ficado alojados em Pousadas de Portugal ao longo de todo o roteiro, foi o toque final para uma experiência única! Muito obrigado!
Daniele T., São Paulo, Brasil
Dining in an 18th Century Palace on the first night, at the President’s house on the second and hosting our farewell dinner at a private winery on our last day in Portugal was only possible thanks to Offbeat Portugal! Extremely organized and attentive event planning skills.
Pharmaceutical Corporate Client, London, UK
O acompanhamento personalizado e disponível 24/7 foi essencial nesta viagem! Tudo foi pensado ao detalhe, mas surgem sempre alterações e imprevistos, que foram sempre resolvidos pela equipa Offbeat com muita rapidez. Obrigado pelo suporte constante e por estes dias mágicos!
Daiana M., Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
I’ve missed my connecting flight and decided to stay in Lisbon for the weekend but had nothing planned. A call to Offbeat Portugal was enough to discover Portugal’s capital in the coolest way in the next couple of days! Thank you for putting everything together in such a short notice.
Natasha F., Oslo, Denmark
Our trip was outstanding! We have been to Portugal before and we thought we knew it very well, but we couldn’t be more deceived. Offbeat showed us a completely different side of this country that we both love, and we couldn’t be more pleased with the job they’ve done!
Kelly S., Los Angeles, CA, USA
Viajar de trem na Europa sempre foi um sonho de infância e o passeio no comboio presidencial no Douro, terminando com a visita a uma das vinícolas mais especiais da região foi sem dúvida tudo o que sonhei! O hotel onde ficámos hospedados era incrível e o melhor ponto de partida para explorar a região. Obrigado pela recomendação!
Bruna D., Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Sempre pensámos que a Madeira era uma Ilha para pessoas idosas, mas a Offbeat nos mostrou um lado completamente diferente! Uma ilha cheia de vida, cosmopolita e com muitas atividades. O mês de Maio é sem dúvida o melhor mês, pois pudemos disfrutar da Festa da Flor. Deslumbrante! Sem vocês, nunca teríamos descoberto o evento!
Sandra H., São Paulo, Brasil
2018 has not been the best year so far and we really needed this break to put things in perspective. We could not have chosen a better destination than the Alentejo and all the help Offbeat has given us was crucial! Thank you so much for all the amazing guides, spectacular hikes, yoga instructors, restaurant bookings and, most important, the special hotel where we stayed. Our daughter loves horses and the fact that the hotel organized private lessons was all we needed. Thank you so, so much!
Laura M., Munich, Germany
“Money can’t buy” experiences are what we always want our team to experience during an incentive trip, as we believe this is the best way of rewarding them for all the hard work they do all year round. Considering we’ve been doing incentive trips for the past 20 years, it’s quite challenging to find new and exciting ideas. However, Offbeat Portugal was able to provide us with a fantastic itinerary full of great ideas with out of the ordinary venues and special and exclusive activities. Most of our staff says 2018 was by far the best incentive, so we may return to Portugal for 2019’s event!
Finance Corporate Client, Zurich, Switzerland
Para a celebração dos 25 anos de casamento dos nossos pais decidimos organizar uma viagem de família pela Europa. A última paragem foi Portugal, pois tem voo direto para Guarulhos, e acabou por ser a mais especial destes 15 dias! Muito obrigado a toda a equipa da Offbeat Portugal pela ajuda! O último brunch em família com vista para o mar vai ficar para sempre na nossa memória!
Tatiana G., São Paulo, Brasil
I’ve been travelling since I was born, and I never had the pleasure of meetings guides like the ones I met in Portugal. True destination experts, but more important than this, real people, passionate about what they do and always willing to exceed our expectations. Portugal is on our top 5 of the best destinations to visit, especially the region of Alentejo and the beautiful islands of the Azores. Pico and Terceira are a must-visit to all of those looking for an off the beaten track destination, full of breathtaking landscapes, great food and warm and welcoming people.
Gina A., New York City, NY, USA
Every year we choose a different destination to celebrate our wedding anniversary and this year we decided to go to Portugal. We didn’t know much about the country, so Offbeat’s help was fundamental. José is one of the most intuitive travel consultants we’ve ever worked with.
Yvonne Z., Sydney, Australia
Portugal é uma Meca para qualquer arquiteto e por isso mesmo escolhemos esse país para a nossa viagem de estudo! Acabámos por descobrir lugares que nem sabíamos existirem… Muito obrigado à Offbeat por nos proporcionar esta experiência única, com muitos momentos especiais que jamais esqueceremos. Obrigado!
Gastão P., São Paulo, Brasil
When I first started planning this trip for my parents, I honestly thought it would be a nightmare, considering their age and all the physical limitations they have in terms of mobility. However, Offbeat Portugal was able to put together a beautiful itinerary for them, full of special moments along the way. Not only they loved Portugal, but also returned home with the feeling that there are no obstacles for them, despite their age. Thank you so much for all the support! It’s in situations like these that we realize that travelling is much more than the simple act of going on vacation.
Sonya P., Los Angeles, CA, USA
Travelling with kids is always a challenge, especially when you have a family of 12, however, Offbeat made it incredibly easy thanks to their amazing team of professionals! The treasure hunt during these 15 days was very special and the kids loved the gift they received before coming back home. Thank you so much for everything!
Ilse M., Minneapolis, MN, USA
Para quem ama História e Cultura, Portugal é sem dúvida um dos destinos que devem ser visitados! Se juntarmos a isto uma gastronomia maravilhosa, paisagens de encantar e pessoas incríveis, temos a viagem de sonho de qualquer um. Para fechar com chave de ouro só mesmo a ajuda da Offbeat Portugal para nos entregar o melhor roteiro! Muito, muito obrigado!
Renato B., Niterói, Brasil
Independent boutique hotels have become hard to find in a world where every property calls itself “boutique”, however José was able to book us the most beautiful properties for our family vacation… We really felt like locals and we absolutely loved the fact that a proper Portuguese family was hosting us. This was the highlight of our holidays in Portugal, as we were able to experience the local culture and traditions, which is our main purpose when travelling. Thank you Offbeat!
Bernd M., Berlin, Germany
Dining in an 18th Century Palace on the first night, at the President’s house on the second and hosting our farewell dinner at a private winery on our last day in Portugal was only possible thanks to Offbeat Portugal! Extremely organized and attentive event planning skills.
Emily G., London, UK
The itinerary was extremely well thought, and it had the right balance between an organized tour versus individual time, which allowed us to enjoy ourselves and discover each city at our own pace. Offbeat’s knowledge about Portugal’s wine production exceed our expectations and the fact that we were able to visit wineries that most people can’t have access to was a really unique touch. We’ll definitely return to this land of Kings and Queens where we felt like part of the royal family!
Food Retail Corporate Client, CA, USA