“The Monte Velho Equo-Resort is a boutique hotel located 7 km from Arraiolos in a property for Lusitano horse breeding. The property blends with the surrounding countryside which one can explore in the horseback rides provided by the resort. Each room opens to a furnished balcony with an amazing view to the dam inserted in a piece of the typical landscape of Alentejo.”
Located in the picturesque town of Arraiolos and within a 30-minute drive from the World Heritage City of Évora, Monte Velho Equo-Resort is the ideal property for all the equestrian enthusiasts. In this 9-bedroom boutique hotel, everything revolves around horse breeding and equestrian experiences. Don’t expect a regular hotel with lots of services. At Monte Velho you’ll feel like you’re at home, in a very familiar environment, typical from a “Herdade” (homestead) from the region. It’s unique location will allow you to enjoy Portugal’s most beautiful countryside area – Aletenjo – in a sophisticated environment. One of the highlights of the property is its breathtaking outdoor swimming pool, overlooking the plains.