“A magical place in a magical setting, Areias do Seixo is a natural haven less than one hour from Lisbon. This is a special place where pine trees, dunes and sea murmur their secrets. Experience originality, sublime comfort and an unerringly sense of style that...
“The only five-star hotel in the Serra da Estrela region and the only one with a panoramic view over the Glacier Valley. Conceived in 1940 by the architect Rogério de Azevedo, reborn now with a new life turned into the beauty of the landscape. The hotel has...
“Nature, charm, history, elegance, experiences… this is the essence of Quinta das Lágrimas (Estate of Tears). For centuries a private sanctuary that welcomed Kings and Emperors, the Quinta das Lágrimas Hotel is now open to all those that appreciate the art...
“The suites themselves helped to build the surrounding landscape, which is set within its natural environment. A symbiosis of environments that represent the true mark of our concept by developing, transforming the present and the absent. Plants overlay the...
“Against a backdrop of mountains enfolding an enchanted valley nestles a truly special hotel where emotions flow freely both inside and out, where colours and textures mingle, and the sounds of birdsong and the caress of the breeze invites us to be at one with...
“Distributed in 3 interconnected buildings, all 22 units have a very unique identity and story. In order to pay a tribute to the Portuguese literature and to emphasize the cultural wealth and heritage of the city, to each of our units was assigned the name of a...